
  • Written in Go
  • A distributed key value store
  • provides a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines.
  • handles leader elections during network partitions and will tolerate machine failure, including the leader.
  • Communication between etcd machines is handled via the Raft consensus algorithm.


Raft: The Understandable Distributed Consensus Protocol



  • A consensus algorithm
  • Defines three different roles (Leader, Follower, and Candidate) and achieves consensus via an elected leader.

what is consensus

  • Consensus involves multiple servers agreeing on values.
  • Typical consensus algorithms make progress when any majority of their servers is available
  • Eg. A cluster of 5 servers can continue to operate even if 2 servers fail. If more servers fail, they stop making progress (but will never return an incorrect result).
  • A general approach to building fault-tolerant systems.
  • Each server has a state machine and a log
    • state machine
      • fault-tolerant component
      • Each state machine takes as input commands from its log

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